Butter's Bees - Pure, raw
treatment free honey
and beeswax products
Products & Services
Here are some of the products we offer. Our products are all treatment free. New products are always being develped.
Raw Honey
It is our best selling product. This honey is raw, pure and treatment free. The color and taste is dependant on what the bees are foraging on. Typically the earlier honey is lighter followed by amber or darker honey in the fall from wildflowers.
Swarm and Hive Removal
We are very resonable and professional. Most simple swarm removals are free. We offer free quotes on existing hive removals from stuctures. It varies greatly depending on the time and equipment needed. We will be more than happy to provide references on request.
Beeswax Products
We offer a wide range of beeswax products from lip balm to hard lotion. We also sell pure beeswax. All our wax comes from treatment free hives. This insures no pesticides, miticides, antiobiotics or other chemicals are present in our wax.
Classes and Speaking Engagements
We are committed to beekeeping, the environment and education. We would be happy to talk to you about programs and speaking opportunities concerning beekeeping.